Mistress phone sex

Think about arriving home after a long day at work to be greeted by a much-needed mistress phone sex session. As your mind begins to unwind, you are immersed into a world of domination, slaves, humiliation and anything else that you may imagine.

(+1) 855-716-47-27

only $0.99c per minute

The outside environment fades and live members on the other end of the line intend to grant your every fantasy. Kink play, mommy doms and cuckolds are there at your disposal. The best part is that all of these situations can be experienced from the comfort of your own home with absolute anonymity. Anything goes.

Are You Looking for a Phone Sex Mistress?

The great thing about phone-based domination sessions is that shyness and hesitance are no longer present. You don’t have to worry about issues such as discomfort or feeling out of place amongst a large group of people. Our one-on-one premium member sessions are completely devoted to your desires. Do you need a good spanking? Are you looking to act out the role of a slave for the first time? If so, why not dip your toe in the water through the use of mistress phone sex before trying the real thing?

This is a completely safe environment and a “cumming” across a live phone sex mistress who has similar desires is a great way to take your fantasies to the next level. Doms, subs, slaves, cucks, daddies, and bulls are likewise available within only a matter of minutes, so what are you waiting for?

Domination phone sex

Phone sex is pretty fun, but domination phone sex is heavenly. If you haven’t tried it yet then it may be something you are considering. Submit your woes to a harsh mistress, on of our experts at letting you witness total sexy domination. Dominant mistresses are more than happy to humiliate you.

(+1) 855-716-47-27

only $0.99c per minute

Our girls dress to impress in the sexiest outfits to get you worked up and horny, any attempt to resist their demands will have you witness their expert discipline to put you back in your place.

No restraint

Your imagination will be running wild as you endure restraint and discipline, you will struggle to understand the difference between pain and pleasure, but still come back for more.

You can only be warned about the consequences if you don’t abide. Our domination phone sex hotlines make you become the possession of our dominatrix.

Fear and excitement will take over as she grabs the reigns, your phone sex mistress is evil,  she will choose every position, mo matter how sadistic or humiliating.

You may have to prove your worth though. Don’t blame us when you want to come back for more every time, but we guarantee it will be everything you have hoped for and more.

Phone sex domination is where it’s at, give us a call now